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Cancer Diagnosis
Help and Hope for Those Coping with Cancer Diagnosis
Michael Coccari not only offers help and hope for coping with cancer diagnosis, but he also offers that support from a place of understanding and experience. Yes, using books about living with breast cancer can be of great help, but how much more so when spoken from the voice of one who has experienced the battle personally?
As a teacher, author, and spouse of a wife who fought the good fight, Michael Coccari also speaks from a unique perspective. As a caregiver, supporter, husband, best friend, and from someone who was with her every step of the way, Michael Coccari shares what he learned and what they learned together. Coping with cancer diagnosis has no easy answers, but there are better, easier, and more effective ways to handle it physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Don't put down any of those cancer medical books, but don't miss Michael Coccari's work and the treasures he shares in his book, Cancer Fight. Going through cancer and medical treatments is a scary and difficult one. The good news is we don't have to go through it alone and there is help and hope from those who have been there before you. These are not only about tips to make coping easier, but also words of hope, inspiration, and reminders of why it is worth the fight.
Contact us to learn more about other titles from Michael Coccari or about his other work. May you find the hope you seek, the strength you need, and the peace of Love during these difficult times - and remember, it's still okay to laugh.